The SSH (Secure Shell) protocol is an encrypted communication protocol for networking. It is a highly versatile and powerful tool that serves as the main way to access the servers.


Depending on the operating system you are using, follow these options:

Mac and Linux users

  • Open a terminal and type the following:
    • ssh -L 9XXX:localhost:9XXX
    • For the above command make sure to replace the username with your own, the servername with any of the listed server names (requires UCSF login) and the 9XXX with a number above 9020
    • There will be a prompt for your UCSF password

PC users

  • Use WSL, PuTTY, Cygwin or any other SSH tool:
    • Use as the host name
    • Specify the local port forwarding, using the same number 9XXX, higher than 9020, both the source port and the destination port
    • There will be a prompt for your UCSF password